To crop your image, click the Crop button then use the black lines on the corners and sides to trim the image. It allows you to ‘trim’ the sides of your image to make it smaller and more focussed on the important parts. The crop image tool is available in both Docs and Slides.

In Google Slides, this will display buttons for Crop, Mask, Reset Image, Replace Image and Format options, as shown below. In Google Docs, this will display buttons for Crop, Image options and Replace image, as shown below. To access the image editing tools, simply click once on the image you have inserted into your document or presentation. If you’re looking for an image to get started with, check out Lara Kirk’s post on five smart ways you can find images to use in your documents and presentations. The first step is to insert the image into your Google Doc or Slide. However, Google Docs and Google Slides both include some basic image editing tools that are very easy for anyone to use! In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use each of the tools available to put your own flair on images. Now, click on the Insert Menu –> Select Drawing option –> Click on the + New button.Image editing is one of things that can seem a little daunting.Navigate to and click on the + (Blank) button to create a blank document or you can open any existing google document where you want to insert the text box.You can easily insert a text box or shapes in Google Docs using the Drawing tool by following the below steps

You can follow the below approaches and can watch the Video tutorial for the same. Below are the 3 best ways to insert a textbox in Google Docs.

It’s quite easy to add a textbox in Google Docs.